
Services we offer

Striving for excellence in all we do

Patent Filing

We draft and prosecute new patent applications for pharmaceutical and chemical companies from around the world. We understand the pharmaceutical development process, and specialize in protecting new molecules, as well as old molecules whose compound patent has expired. Our patent portfolios have withstood large-scale assaults from generic competitors, and significantly lengthened the lives of our clients' most valuable assets.


We are trusted advisors on patent litigation matters, particularly Hatch Waxman lawsuits. Clark began his career as a commercial litigator, and continues to support his clients during litigation, but but currently acts more as a patent advisor to position his client's patent portfolios for success in eventual litigation.

FDA Advice

We advise clients on FDA exclusivity periods and approval requirements, including 505(b) and (j) approval pathways, the latest biologics and orphan drug developments, and Orange Book and generic substitution issues. We understand the regulatory approval requirements for pharmaceutical and biological products, and work closely with our clients to develop patent strategies that withstand generic challenge and ensure the longevity of our clients' investments.

Clark understands the drug development process and has done a great job protecting our new drug products in the United States and around the world.

- Mariagrazia Zotti, Helsinn Healthcare

Clark Sullivan founded Sullivan IP Solutions in 2016 after partnerships in the patent and FDA practices of large law firms in New York and Atlanta. He has nearly 30 years of experience representing companies in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries.

Clark is a patent lawyer, 1987 Chemical Engineering graduate from the Georgia Institute of Technology, and 1991 graduate of Georgia State University College of Law. He represents companies from Asia, Europe and the United States, predominantly in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries.

At Sullivan IP Solutions, Clark has assembled a team with the background, depth and agility to tackle any technical issue or problem. Its staff includes a Ph.D. Chemist, a Japanese language patent agent, a paralegal, and a bookkeeper. The firm outsources docketing and other functions using the most advanced 21st century technology, enabling it to provide seamless cost-effective services to its clients.